Configure the Management Console for User Setup

This section describes:

You must use the jde_admin user ID and password to sign into the Management Console initially. This non-JD Edwards EnterpriseOne user ID and password are configured during the Server Manager installation. The jde_admin user has the authority to perform all functions within the Management Console and is responsible for adding and setting up the initial Management Console users from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, as well as assigning permissions to those users.

You can import users from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne using the Management Console Setup and Configuration Wizard, or you can add them as needed using the Management Console. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne users are authenticated using the security server services of an EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server. The Enterprise Server name and port used by the Management Console must be properly configured.

Note: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne users cannot access the Management Console with their JD Edwards EnterpriseOne user IDs and passwords until they have been added as Management Console users.

See Complete the Management Console Setup Wizard for information about using the Management Console Setup Wizard to add JD Edwards EnterpriseOne users to the Management Console.