Server Manager Agent on UNIX and AS/400 Platforms

After you update the Server Manager Agent to Tools or later, for Server Manager Agent installations on UNIX and AS/400 platforms, perform the following tasks:

  1. Create a copy of the $SCHFA/bin/runAgentV2 file and save it as $SCHFA/bin/runAgent.

  2. Stop the Server Manager Agent by using $SCFHA/bin/stopAgent.

  3. Change the $SCHFA/bin/runAgent file as follows:

    A sample start parameters entry is provided below. The changes are shown in bold in the sample entry.

  4. For AS/400, the Administrator must update the $SCFHA/config/ file to include these values:
    os.os400.as400.password=<plain text as400 user JDE password>

    After these values are set, the Administrator should restart the AS/400 Server Manager agent.


echo Starting the management agent on `date` in home $JDEHOME >>$JDEHOME/logs/e1agent_0.log

$JAVA $BITFLAG -Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2<password><password><password> -classpath $JDEHOME/lib/scfagent.jar com.jdedwards.mgmt.agent.Launcher >>$JDEHOME/logs/e1agent_0.log 2>&1 &

echo $!>$JDEHOME/

exit 0

Server Manager Agent on UNIX.

AS/400 Platform

If you are managing the WebSphere Managed Instance on the AS/400 platform, configure the $SCFHA/bin/runAgent script to use the 64-bit Java installation. Typically, the Java Installation used by the WebSphere Installation is:


If you are managing the Enterprise Server Managed Instance on the AS/400 platform, configure the $SCFHA/bin/runAgent script to use the 32-bit or 64-bit Java installation depending on whether it is a 32-bit or 64-bit Enterprise Server Managed Instance installation.

The install location of the Java 8, 32-bit and 64-bit, respectively, on the AS/400 machine is:



echo starting the management agent

$JAVA_HOME$JDKBIN$JAVAEXE -Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2<password><password><password> -classpath "$JDEHOME/lib/scfagent.jar:/QIBM/ProdData/HTTP/Public/jt400/lib/jt400.jar" com.jdedwards.mgmt.agent.Launcher 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null &

In order to enable the Server Manager agent to read the PTF.LOG file, you must use the DDM/DRDA AS/400 user and password using this procedure:

  1. The Administrator must update the $SCFHA/config/ file to include these values:
    os.os400.as400.password=<plain text as400 user JDE password>
  2. After these values are set, the Administrator should restart the AS/400 Server Manager agent.
Server Manager Agent on AS/400.