Setting Up the Password

Use the following procedure to set up the password for the Deployment server and the Enterprise server component change.

  1. On the Server Manager Management Console, select the Server Manager Users in the CONFIGURE section of the tab on the left.

  2. In the Server Manager User Authentication section, verify that the Primary Security Server is the Enterprise Server that is being used for the Security Server. Also, verify that the Outgoing JDENET Port value is same as the value in the jde.ini file.

  3. Click the Save button.

  4. Click the Management Dashboard link.

  5. From the Select Instance drop-down menu, select the Home Management Console option.

  6. In the Configuration section of the tab on the left, click JDBJ Database Configuration.

  7. Enter the required values in the JDBJ Bootstrap Datasource field in this window.

    Click the information icon next to the text box for more information about the jde.ini section that contains this information. Do not use jde.ini file of the Deployment Server. Navigate to the OneWorld Client Instal\misc path, and then use the jde.ini file located in this path for the information.

    Note: Do not enter any values in the JDBJ Connection Pools section. The values in the JDBC Drivers section are auto-populated.
  8. In the Oracle Database Settings section, make sure that the path in the Location filed points to the location of the console. For example, /slot/ems6282/oracle/Middleware/jde_home_1/SCFMC/targets/home/config/tnsnames.ora

  9. In the File Content field for the Oracle Database, add the content in the TNSNAMES.ora file of your Database. You can leave the field blank when connecting to a Microsoft SQL or an AS400 Database.

    Example 1:

    Navigate to the path C:\Oracle\E1Local\NETWORK\ADMIN, and then copy the section for the database that you are using for EnterpriseOne and paste it in the File Content field.

    Example 2:

    Copy and paste the following section for the database that you are using for EnterpriseOne:


  10. Click the Save button.

  11. Log off, and then log in again to Server Manager.