Troubleshooting an Unsuccessful Management Console Update

There may be times when updating the Management Console application is not successful. The symptoms of a failed updated is the lack of a logon screen after the update completes, even after restarting the Management Console. Server Manager provides a fallback script that can be used to redeploy the application and recover the Management Console without any data loss. The script will deploy the intended (change-to) release.

To troubleshoot an unsuccessful Management Console update:

  1. Stop the Management Console service.

  2. Start the Management Console service.

  3. Open a command prompt and navigate to this directory:


    where jde_home is the install path of the Management Console.

  4. Invoke the redeployManagementConsole.cmd recovery script.

    The script takes one parameter, which is the password used to initially install the Management Console. For example

    redeployManagementConsole.cmd password

    Upon successful execution of this script, you can log on to the Management Console application.

(Release If you updated WebLogic Server to and the Management Console update was unsuccessful, troubleshoot the Management Console update before updating to EnterpriseOne Tools release or later.

  1. Ensure that the Server Manager Console is on a Tools Release earlier than

  2. Stop the Managed Server where Server Manager Console is installed on the WebLogic Server.

  3. Extract the ManagementAgent_JAR file from Server Manager JAR file. The ManagementAgent_JAR file is located at <E1_ServerManagerConsole.jar>\ManagementConsole_WAR.ear\ManagementConsole_WAR.war\WEB-IN\lib\.

  4. Replace the ManagementAgent_JAR file with the file you have extracted in the previous step at following locations:

    • <jde_home>/SCFMC/stage/ManagementConsole_WAR.ear/ManagementConsole_WAR.war/WEB-INF/lib

    • <WLS_HOME>/user_projects/domains/<domain_name>/servers/<server_name>/tmp/_WL_user/<application_name>/<folder_name>/war/WEB-INF/lib

      You need not replace the ManagementAgent-JAR file at this location if the lib folder is not available.

  5. Start the Managed Server.

  6. Update the Tools Release for Server Manager to