Accessing Send Email Option

To access the Send Email option:

  1. Enter a valid Address Book Number in the Address Book field.

  2. Hover over the orange dot indicator in the Address Book field. The orange dot indicator will turn into a clickable indicator.

  3. Click the clickable indicator. The hover form is displayed.

  4. Click the Collaborate tab. The Collaborate tab displays a list of email IDs associated with the Address Book number. The list of email IDs that appears in the Collaborate tab is configured for a particular address number in the Who's Who application. If an email ID is not configured for a particular address number, the Collaborate tab is empty and the Send Email and Send Meeting invite buttons are disabled. If you are using the Chrome browser, the hover form may close when you click the disabled Send Email or Send Meeting buttons.

  5. In the Collaborate tab, select the email ID as required. You can select multiple email IDs. A maximum of five email IDs are displayed per page in the Collaborate tab. You can use the Next and Previous links in the Collaborate tab to navigate across the email IDs.

  6. Click the Send Email button.

    Note: The Send Email and Send Meeting Invite buttons are disabled by default. The buttons are enabled after you select an email ID.
  7. The Message window of the default email client is displayed.

    The subject of the email contains the title of the form. The body of the email contains the title of the form and the parameterized URL of the form in the case of Employee and Address Book hover forms. You can view the form or application by clicking the parameterized URL, and then entering your user ID and password.

    The body of the email is empty in the case of Customer and Supplier hover forms.

  8. The recipient email address is populated based on your selection.

  9. Click Send.