Data Browser Accessibility

The screen reader software, reads the names of the fields and the associated details when you navigate through the Query Selector page.

This table lists the details read by the screen reader software for the corresponding fields when you navigate through the Query Selector page:

Navigation Path

Details given by the screen reader software

Personal Queries radio button

Reads as personal queries.

Select a Personal Query combo box

Reads the label for the combo box as queries you have created and then the text for the selected query.

Public Queries radio button

Reads as public queries.

Select a Public Query combo box

Reads the label for the combo box as queries you have created and then the text for the selected query.

By Table radio button

Reads as By Table. The screen reader software also helps you to search and select tables.

Name Edit field to enter table name

Reads the label for the edit field as Table Name and then the visual assist details, the associated description details (if any) and the pre – existing value (if any).

By Business View radio button

Reads as By Business Views. The screen reader software also helps you to search and select business view.

Name Edit field to enter a business view

Reads the label for the edit field as Business View Name and then the visual assist details, the associated description details (if any) and the preexisting value (if any).

Data Source Edit field to enter the data source name

Reads the label for the edit field as Data Source and then the visual assist details and the preexisting value (if any).