One View Report Accessibility

The One View menu is available as a link in the screen reader software's links list window when you access a One View Reporting enabled form. You can click the link to access the One View Report menu. Use the Up/Down arrows to open the sub-menu items if any. Press the Escape key to close the One View menu.

Note: Accessibility for One View Reporting is available only at runtime. There is no design time support.

This table lists the details read by the screen reader software for the corresponding menus when you navigate through the One View Report menu.

Navigation Path

Details given by the screen reader software

One View Menu

Available in the links list window of the screen reader software. The screen reader software reads it as One View menu.

My Reports

The screen reader software reads the "My Reports" section containing all the personal reports, if there are any, in alphabetical order.

Add Report

The screen reader software reads it as Add Report, if the user has edit permission on the form.

Manage Report

The screen reader software reads the flyout menu as Manage Report, if there is any Personal or Shared Report.