Favorites Tab

The items that you add as favorites from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne menu also display on the Favorites tab in the Carousel. When the Carousel is docked on the bottom of EnterpriseOne, favorite items display on the Favorites tab. When the Carousel is docked on the side of EnterpriseOne, favorite items display in the Favorites section. In most cases, Favorites performs the same no matter where the Carousel is docked. However, there are some instances where functionality differs slightly, and these will be noted in this documentation. This documentation describes Favorites and its performance while docked at the bottom of EnterpriseOne. The Favorites tab can contain three types of tiles: task folder tiles, user-defined folder tiles, and task tiles.

When you open the Favorites tab and click a parent-level task folder or user-defined folder located there, EnterpriseOne adds a tab to the tab bar. This new tab displays the task folder or user-defined folder name and all the contents of that folder. When you double-click a sub-folder, a '^' appears on the left side of the tab. The '^' indicates that there is a higher-level folder. When you click the '^', the higher- level folder and its contents appear.

When you create a user-defined folder, you can include in it tasks and task folders, but not additional user-defined folders. However, task-folders can, and often do, contain other task-folders as well as tasks, though you cannot add a task-folder or task to any existing task-folder. If you click a task folder contained within another task-folder, the current tab displays the new task folder name. If you hover above a task folder, a list of everything within that folder displays in a box near the cursor. You can change the name of the parent-level task folder at the Favorites level but you cannot change the names of items in the folder or the structure of its contents. You cannot change the name of the task folder, or its contents. If you click a task, the appropriate application launches.