Understanding Toolbar Options

Most JD Edwards EnterpriseOne forms include a toolbar with buttons that provide access to specific tasks. You must be familiar with toolbar options to use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system. Toolbar options vary depending on form type. For example, a Find/Browse form usually includes a Select button so that you can select a record in the grid, whereas a Fix/Inspect form does not have a Select button because it displays the values for a specific record.

The following table describes many of the standard toolbar buttons:

Toolbar Button



The Find button displays records in a grid.


The Select button selects one or more records and opens corresponding forms.


The Search button displays all the entries from your database that match the search criteria that you specify.


The Add button opens a new form where you can add a new record.


When you click the OK button, record additions and updates are written to the database.


From a Find/Browse form, the Copy button copies the entire record. The system copies all fields into a new record, except those fields that are unique to the existing record.From a Fix/Inspect form, the Copy button selects the fields for the new form. You must enter data in all other fields. You can modify on the new form those fields that you copied from the existing record.


From a Find/Browse or Fix/Inspect form, the Delete button deletes the entire record.

Depending on the application that you are using, the Delete button might also remove related information. For example, if you delete an Address Book record, the system also deletes the phone numbers for that record. See your application user guide for information about deleting child records.


The Close button closes the form.


When you click the Cancel button, any changes you have made are lost and no database changes are made.


The Tools button can include options such as Refresh, Export Grid Data, or Data Browser.


The Collaborate submenu under the Tools menu has the following options:

  • Send Email

  • Send Meeting Invite

  • Send Shortcut

  • Parameterized URL

In addition to standard buttons, the toolbar can include other options such as reports (which provides a list of reports pertaining to the application), row exits, and form exits.