Consuming Application Version and Processing Options from External Forms (Release

Starting with Tools Release, four additional JavaScript variables are available when a JavaScript (JET) page runs on an external form. The new JavaScript variables are used to enable the JET page to consume the application version and the processing options for the external application.

The following table describes the JavaScript variables used to consume the external application version and processing options:




The ID (string) of the application that is associated with the external form.


The ID (string) of the external form.


The currently running version (string) of the application associated with the external form.

jde__POs An object with entries (object) for each of the processing options, with their type (integer) and value (string).

The following is an example of JavaScript values passed to an external application, P99EXTF2:

  • jde__appName: "P99EXTF2"
  • jde__appForm: "W99EXTF2A"
  • jde__appVersion: "ZJDE0001"
  • jde__POs: Object
    • cCHAR_4: {type: 1, value: "1"}
    • jdDate01_3: {type: 11, value: "20210217"}
    • mnAddressNumber_1:
      • type: 9
      • value: "6001"
    • nInteger01_5: {type: 15, value: "1234"}
    • szDescription001_2: {type: 2, value: "abcde"}

With Tools Release, the processing option helper API in the jetUtilites.js file has been updated. The getExtAppPODetails(self) method populates the standard poDetails object in the application model with the processing option values from the external form and the system no longer makes an AIS call to retrieve the processing option values. Use the getExtAppPODetails(self) method to populate the poDetails value in the self (model) object.

After the getExtAppPODetails(self) method is processed, the poDetails variable in the self (model) object is populated as shown in the following example:

  • self.poDetails: Object
    • cCHAR_4: {type: 1, value: "1"}
    • jdDate01_3: {type: 11, value: "20210217"}
    • mnAddressNumber_1: {type: 9, value: "6001"}
    • nInteger01_5: {type: 15, value: "1234"}
    • szDescription001_2: {type: 2, value: "abcde"}