Consuming Form Interconnect Values from External Forms

Although consuming form interconnect values is not commonly used within the template, you can use the following guidelines to consume form interconnect values.

When an external form launches a Classic EnterpriseOne Page (JET Page), the form interconnect or CafeOne layout passes values to the JavaScript object, FISTRUCT. If there is no value for the interconnect value, then it will not be passed to the JavaScript object in the FISTRUCT.

This image is described in the surrounding text.

Before attempting to use the FI values you should check if you have the structure. You will not have it if the page is running in the welcome tab strip:

if (formInterconnectAvailable())

You can get individual values from the structure by id:


You can get individual values from the structure by description:


Or you can get the value (or type) by index, directly from the structure (or any other members of the object):


You should also check for blank/null values before using the values since they may not have been passed into the form interconnect or in the CafeOne layout configuration.