Files Included with the Development Environment

To expedite the development of JET applications for EnterpriseOne, Oracle provides additional tools referred to as JDE AIS and JET Helpers.

Important: Do not modify any of these helper files.

These helpers include:

  • e1pagehelper.js

    This file allows communication with the AIS Server to get and update data in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.

  • jetconfig.js

    This configuration file is only updated if you want to use JET components that are currently not included with the template.

  • jetUtilities.js

    This file implements all of the features that you get when using the template.

  • jetoverride.css

    This file defines much of the styling that is used by applications using the template.

  • jetQueryBuilder.js

    This file contains the code used by the Query Builder feature of the template.

  • jetNavigation.js (Release 9.2.2)

    This file contains the code used by the Navigation and Context Menu Navigation features of the template.

JET Application Files

JET applications that were created using the template have three files:

  • E1AISCalls.js

    Update this file to configure the template (Menu, Title, Query Builder), as well as to define the AIS calls to retrieve and process the data needed to render the chart.

  • home.html

    This files defines the layout of the page and should not be changed if using the template.

  • main.js

    This file is the main JavaScript file used by home.html and should not be changed if using the template.