Building a JET Application Using the Template

  1. Copy the three files from an example and place in a new folder with a different name.

  2. These files are E1AISCalls.js, home.html, and main.js. If following the template, the only file that needs to be modified is the E1AISCalls.js.

  3. In order to create a JET application using the template, you need to assign values to several variables in the E1AISCalls.js.

    Update these variables:




    Less than or equal to 20 characters, unique identifier used for storing persistent values.


    Name of the EnterpriseOne application, business view, or table, off which the JET application is based (for example, P42101).

    The list of queries and Query Builder is also based on this object.


    The form (Wxxxxx) for the application that the JET application is based on. This is blank if using a table or business view.


    This is used to get translated labels for the JET application.


    This value is true when the object name from above is a table or business view. This can also be set to true if fetching the related business view from the application, which will improve performance. This is set to false if you actually want to run the application and get the data from the grid.

    For information on performance considerations, see Using isDataRequest for AIS Call.


    Set to true if you are using an application that has processing options.


    This is set to "On" if you are defining a bar chart and you want the bars to be stacked.


    Used for both line and bar charts to determine whether the orientation is horizontal or vertical.


    This value can be Line, Bar, or Pie.

    For information on title configuration, see JET Titles.

    For information on menu configuration, see Menu Functions.

  4. Rework the AIS call.

    For information on how to do this, see AIS Call APIs.

    To consume the response of the AIS call, you must structure the data as needed by the chart you are building. Use the examples for guidance. Based on the response, you can utilize Fetch Descriptions and Fetch UDC Descriptions to get other information (labels) to display in the charts. For more information, see Fetch Descriptions and Fetch UDC Descriptions.