Configuring a Custom Service Request to Create an Array (Release

You can create a custom service request that creates an orchestration array from a CSV file or a JSON array.

This custom service request enables you to mass-process data by consuming CSV files and JSON array data in orchestrations. You can pass the CSV or JSON to an orchestration called from an EnterpriseOne page, a form extension, a mobile device, or any client that can pass a CSV or JSON array as input or get it from another orchestration step.

To configure a custom service request with an array:

  1. Click the Custom Requests icon on the Orchestrator Studio Home page.

  2. On the Custom Requests side panel, click the New drop-down menu and select Create Array.

  3. Create and name the custom request as described in Creating a Component.

  4. Select one of these options:

    • CSV File

      Complete the following fields:

      1. Data Set Variable Name: Enter a name to refer to the array created from the CSV data. Later, you can use this data set variable name as a reference to map data in the data set to a subsequent orchestration step.
      2. Delimiter: Enter the delimiter used in the CSV file to separate values.
      3. CSV Has Headers: If the CSV file has a header row, enable this option to exclude the header row. This action ensures that at runtime, the Orchestrator will not import the column headers as data in the array.
      4. Sample File: Click this button to upload a sample CSV file. This will auto-populate the column table with a row for each column in the CSV. If the CSV has headers, the header value is used for each column name. You can click the X icon to delete a row in the grid.
      5. Column Table: Each row in this table represents a column in the CSV file. The Header Field option allows you to identify columns to break on. If you select one or more columns as a Header Field, you will need to specify Header Object and Detail Object to reference the array of objects created based on the level break.
    • JSON File or JSON String

      Complete the following fields:

      1. Data Set Variable Name: Enter a name to refer to the array created from the JSON array. Later, you can use this data set variable name as a reference to map data in the data set to a subsequent orchestration step.
      2. JSON Path to Array: Enter the path to the array using JSON dot notation. The grid displays the column names from the CSV file in the Member Name and Variable Name columns. You can click the X icon to delete a row in the grid.
      3. Column Table: The Member Name column should match a value inside the JSON array. The Variable Name is used to reference the column in the orchestration.

  5. Click the Save button.

    The Orchestrator Studio saves the custom array service request. You can then access the orchestration in the Orchestrations design page and add this custom array service request as a step in the orchestration.