Debugging an Orchestration

To debug an orchestration:

  1. On the Orchestrator Studio Home page, click the Run Orchestrations icon.

  2. In the Run Orchestrations side panel, select an orchestration from personal orchestrations or shared orchestrations.

    On the Run Orchestrations page, the system a sample request and a response for the selected orchestration.

  3. In the Value column, enter a value for each input.

  4. Click the Debug button.

    The orchestration is displayed in the debug mode with blue circles next to the orchestration steps.

    Alternatively, you can access Design Orchestrations from the orchestration design page by choosing the Run icon from the Start node of the orchestration. That takes you to Run Orchestration page on which you can click the Debug button.

  5. Set a breakpoint by clicking the blue circle on the right of the orchestration step.

    The Breakpoint icon is a toggle button. Therefore, you can remove the breakpoint also by clicking the blue dot next to the orchestration step.

  6. On the Debug Orchestration panel, click the Run/Resume icon.

    When the execution stops at a breakpoint, you can use the Data, Last Step, and Output tabs to review and modify the values of the runtime variables.

  7. From the Debug Orchestrations panel, select one of these options:

    • Run/Resume

    • Step Forward

    • Stop Orchestration

    • Show/Hide Orchestration Inputs

    • Clear All Breakpoints

    • Quit Debugging