Editing the Nested Orchestration Steps (Release

You can double-click the collapsed orchestration step or double-click the white space within the bounding box of an expanded orchestration to edit the child orchestration. Alternatively, you can click the orchestration step and then click the Pencil icon to open the step for editing. This will cause the editor to navigate away from the parent orchestration to edit the child orchestration instead, and triggers a prompt to save changes if applicable.

If you want to review or edit a non-orchestration element (for example, a rule or a form service request) within the child orchestration, double-click the element. The system displays a modal window for editing without navigating away from the non-orchestration element.

Note: You must save the child orchestrations after you edit them. When you attempt to navigate away without saving the changes, the system displays the message that you will lose your unsaved changes if you proceed. If you are editing a step associated with a recursive scenario, and simultaneously try to open the same orchestration, the system declines your request and displays an explanatory message. You will not see the Pencil icon for editing if you are more than one layer deep in the orchestration. However, you can double-click the step and open it for editing.