Configuring Orchestration Monitoring

To set up monitoring:

  1. Open the orchestration in Orchestrator Studio.

  2. On the Orchestrations design page, click the Start node.

    The action control icons are displayed above the Start node.

  3. Click Run Options. The system displays the Run Options window.

  4. In the Monitoring section, select these options as required:

    • Orchestrator Details: Records the start time, end time, duration, status, and assertion count for the orchestration.
    • Orchestration Input/Output: Records the requested input and response output of the orchestration.
    • Step Details: Records the start time, end time, duration, and status of each orchestration step.
    • Step Input/Output: Records the input and output of each orchestration step.
    Caution: Enabling these options may generate a very high volume of records for processes that run very frequently or have many steps. It is recommended to leave these options disabled unless there is a specific need for monitoring. It is also recommended to review the Orchestrator Exceptions program (P980060) periodically and purge unnecessary records. See Managing Orchestrator Health and Exception Records in EnterpriseOne.
  5. Enable the Monitor on Start option if required.

    Caution: It is recommended to enable this option only for long-running processes. This setting starts logging at the beginning of the process and incurs additional overhead.
  6. Enable the All Environments and All Users options to monitor all the environments and users. Disable these options to verify or add specific environment and user details.

    You can enter specific environments and users in the Environment to Monitor and User/Role to Monitor tables. Click the X icon in the table to delete a row.