Working with Orchestration Output

Orchestration output can include values from fields and grid columns that you specify as returns when setting up a form request, data request, or cross reference in an orchestration. Orchestration output can also include the response from a connector, custom service request, or the result of a rule (true or false).

On the Orchestration Output dialog box, you can use a script to manipulate the contents of the response to refine the orchestration output as required by the parameters in the consuming device or program.

To work with orchestration output:

  1. In the orchestration design page, click the End node.

    The action control icon is displayed for the End node.

  2. Click the Outputs and Assertions icon.

    The grid displays all the components or steps in the orchestration that contain return fields, as shown in the following example:

    This image is described in the surrounding text.


    If you have inputs defined for an orchestration, you can see the Orchestration Inputs section in the Orchestration Output window. This functionality enables you to include any input value in the final output of an orchestration. You can rename the field in the output using the Output column and you can change the type of the output field by selecting the required type from the drop-down menu in the Value Type column.

    If you have variables defined for an orchestration, you can see the Orchestration Variables section in the Orchestration Output window. Here, you can include the final value (the value of the variable after all the steps) for any variable that is defined in the orchestration.

    Note: Simple conversions are supported.
  3. (Release Click the View Example Output button in the Define Outputs tab to view the sample output in the JSON format for the orchestration.

  4. (Release Enable the Null Date as String option to return null dates as strings ("null") in the response.

    This option is turned on by default for existing orchestrations and will be turned off by default for new orchestrations.

  5. If you want to view the JSON code of all the return fields in an orchestration, slide the Select All toggle to the right.

    You can individually select the return fields for which you want to preview the JSON code. You can expand each step to see the return fields. The Output column displays the name that is defined for a return field.

    1. In the Select column, slide the toggle of the any return fields that you want to add to your orchestration output and then exit the Orchestration Outputs page.

      The fields will be returned in JSON format, which you can test on the Run Orchestrations page.

    2. You can change the name for the return fields in the Output column.

  6. Select Groovy, JRuby, or Jython, and you can edit the provided script template in the Manipulate Outputs tab to manipulate the contents of the response to refine the orchestration output.

    For Groovy, see Groovy Template for Manipulating Output from an Orchestration Response for more information.

  7. (Release In the Example Output for OpenAPI(JSON) section of the Manipulate Outputs tab, you can enter an example response. This example response will be included in the OpenAPI document in place of the system generated response.

    You can also copy an example output in this section when using the Manipulate Outputs script to alter the output to show the modified orchestration output in the OpenAPI definitions.

  8. To save the orchestration outputs, return to the Orchestrations design page and click Save.