Mapping Orchestration Outputs

You can individually select the return fields to include them in the output and you can expand each step to see the available return fields.

In the Define Outputs tab:

  • In the Select column, slide the toggle to the right for the fields that you want to add to your orchestration output.
  • The Output column displays the name defined for a return field. The name must be unique and it can be overridden.
  • The Value Type column provides a list of types that you can use to convert the return field.

Enable the Select All button to select all outputs available in the orchestration. When you enable the Select All button, ensure that all the names at the same level are unique. You can disable the Select All button to remove all the output mappings.

Click the View Example Output button in the Define Outputs tab to view the sample output in the JSON format for the orchestration. (Release

You can edit the provided script template in the Manipulate Outputs tab to refine the orchestration output.

For Groovy, see Groovy Template for Manipulating Output from an Orchestration Response for more information.

To save the orchestration outputs, return to the Orchestrations design page and click Save.

For the fields that are returned from a Data Request or a Form Request, the system defaults the input in the Value Type field either as a string, a numeric value, or an ISO date (YYYY-MM-DD), from the Data Dictionary data type. You can select a different value type if required. If you set Value Type of a date field as string, the value is displayed in the user’s date format.

If the value is a valid JSON string, you can select the type as Object from the Value Type drop-down menu. This value is then added to the orchestration output as a JSON object. For this to work, the value must be a valid JSON object or JSON array.

You will see the Return All Grid Rows option for the arrays available in the Define Outputs tab. If you enable this option, all the rows in the array are included in the output. The Output column name defaults to the step name and becomes the array name in the output. If you disable the Return All Grid Rows option, only the data from the first row of the array is included in the output at the top level.

(Release You can also enable the Rows Only option for the arrays to further simplify the output. If you enable this option, only the rows in the array are included in the output.

If a step iterates over an array, a step level name is defaulted in the Output column for the array that contains the output from each execution of that step. The array name can be overridden. For example, if you have a step called GetData that iterates over an array, you will see GetData in the Output column of the step. If not overridden, GetData_Repeating becomes the name of the array containing the output from each execution of that step.

Note: (Tools Release You can save the output array to a file for any step in an orchestration that produces an array. If you are using Tools Release and later, the icon name is displayed as Output Array to File instead of Output Grid to File.

This table lists the information displayed for the step types in the Define Outputs tab:

Step Type Information in the Define Outputs tab
Form Request

The data returned from all the forms is shown in the Define Outputs tab. If the returned data is grid data, then it is represented as an array.

The system defaults the input in the Value Type field from the Data Dictionary of the return field.

(Release 9.2.5) You can enable the Output Grid to File option to save the output grid to a file. See Using Disk Caching.

Data Request

A single array containing the rows returned from the database is displayed in the Define Outputs tab.

The system defaults the input in the Value Type field from the Data Dictionary of the return field.

(Release 9.2.5) You can enable the Output Grid to File option to save the output grid to a file. See Using Disk Caching.


A predefined list of data is displayed as output when you run the report. If the Fire and Forget option is enabled for report, the output contains the available data when the report is run asynchronously.

White list

A predefined list of data output is displayed in the Define Output tab.


A custom step may return a single or multiple outputs and may contain one array.

(Release You can enable the Output Grid to File option to save the output array to a file.


The Boolean result of the rule is available for mapping in the Define Outputs tab.

Cross Reference

The Output Keys from the Cross Reference are displayed for mapping in the Define Outputs tab. The output corresponds to the values or pipe (|) delimited values in the EOne Value column in P952000.


  • The Named Object option is displayed at the orchestration level. If you enable this option, the output from the called orchestration is grouped as an object with the provided name.
  • You can modify the Output and Value Type fields of the top-level output from the called orchestration. The grid-level output cannot be modified and can only be included or excluded using the Select option.
  • If the orchestration is called with the Fire and Forget option enabled in the Transformations window, only a step level output is available indicating that the orchestration was submitted in the Define Outputs tab.

You can enable the Select option in the Define Outputs tab to include the result of the notification in the output.


  • REST - The output defined in the REST Connector is displayed in the Define Outputs tab.
  • FTP:
    • Send/Receive File - You can enable the Select option in the Define Outputs tab to include the result of the FTP operation.
    • CSV First Row Only - The CSV columns are displayed in the Define Outputs tab.
    • CSV Array - An array containing all the CSV columns is displayed in the Define Outputs tab.
  • Database - A Database Connector step may return a single or multiple outputs and may contain one array.
  • Open API- The outputs defined in the Open API connector are displayed in the Define Outputs tab.
  • If you are calling an orchestration using the connector (available in Orchestration Studio version 8 and prior), you can enable the Select option in the Define Outputs tab to include each output from the called orchestration.