Adding Steps to an Orchestration

Each component (service request, rule, cross reference, white list) that you add to an orchestration is an orchestration step. It is recommended that you create the component that you want to add to an orchestration before you add it as an orchestration step.

With EnterpriseOne Tools, you can use the Refresh Cache button on the Orchestrator Client page to access the components (such as service requests, orchestrations, and so on) those created outside of your current session. For the objects that were shared while the session is open, you will have to close it and sign in again to access the shared objects.

The following image shows an orchestration that contains multiple rule, cross reference, and service request steps:

Steps in the AddConditionBased Alert Sample Orchestration in the Orchestrator Studio

Each row in the Orchestration Steps grid represents a step in the orchestration. The grid displays the following information about each step:

Use the "Insert Step Before" and "Insert Step After" buttons to add a step before or after another step in the orchestration. For example, if you determine that you need to add a white list to an existing orchestration, you can insert the white list as an initial step before the other steps.