Discovering Orchestrations Using Open Standards

To discover orchestrations, you use the open-api-catalog endpoint on the AIS Server.

The endpoint URL for OpenAPI (Swagger) 2.0 is:


The endpoint URL for OpenAPI 3.0 is:

Note: If you do not specify the version, the current version is used by default.

The discovery request must include authentication credentials for security. The request returns a standard Swagger 2.0 or OpenAPI 3.0 JSON formatted response with all of the orchestrations and related metadata that are available to the user whose credentials were used, subject to EnterpriseOne user-defined object security.

You can also add the orchestration name to the end of the URL to retrieve information only for that specific orchestration.

For example:


You can import the JSON response into a third-party tool to review all the orchestrations. For example, importing into a documentation editor such as Swagger provides descriptions and other information, which enables you to document your own orchestrations.

Using a third-party tool, you can perform a POST or GET to execute a specific orchestration. However, if the orchestration inputs include an array, only the POST operation is available. A GET requires that the inputs are on the URL, while a POST requires the inputs as JSON in the request body.