XML Inputs and Outputs

You have the ability to execute an orchestration using XML as the input or output parameter content type.

For those applications that require producing and/or consuming XML rather than JSON, XML can be used as the transport format.

Setting the 'Accept' header on the orchestration execution request will return the output in XML format. Setting the 'Content-Type' header on the orchestration execution POST request will require the input to be in XML format.

Each orchestration input should be a single XML element, and the inputs should be contained within some outer parent element. No further nesting nor arrays are allowed.

For example:

Note: It is recommended that inputs do not have spaces or special characters as these characters require tokenizing in the XML.The EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Test Client does not provide the ability to test with XML so you need to use another testing tool, such as Swagger. XML is not available as an input if an array is being used for input.