Understanding Orchestrations

Creating an orchestration in the Orchestrator Studio involves:

  • Naming the orchestration and specifying the input format for the orchestration.

    The name of an orchestration cannot include spaces. The input format can be JDE Standard, Oracle Cloud IoT, or Generic. See Supported Input Message Formats for more information about which input format to use.

  • Adding inputs to the orchestration.

    The inputs define the data passed from the device to the orchestration. This may include an ID which identifies the device as well as other data that the orchestration will receive from a device, such as temperature, date, or any other data you want to capture. Each input has a name and a type which can be string, numeric, or various date formats.

  • Adding steps to the orchestration.

    Each step is a component of the orchestration: a service request, rule, cross reference, or white list.