Creating an Orchestration

To create an orchestration:

  1. Click the New Orchestration button next to the Orchestration field.

  2. In the Orchestration pop-up field, enter a unique name for the orchestration.

    Do NOT use spaces when naming the orchestration.

  3. Click the Ok (plus symbol) button.

  4. Click the Input Format drop-down menu and select the appropriate format:

    • JDE Standard. (default)

    • Oracle Cloud IoT.

    • Generic.

    See Supported Input Message Formats for more information about which input format to use.

  5. At this point, you can click Save All before defining inputs or steps for the orchestration.

    The Orchestrator Studio saves the orchestration. Next, add inputs to the orchestration as described in the Adding Inputs to an Orchestration section.

You can also create a new orchestration by copying an existing one and renaming it.

To create a new orchestration by copying another orchestration:

  1. Click the Copy button.

  2. In the pop-up, select an orchestration from the "Orchestration to Copy" drop-down menu.

  3. In the New Orchestration field, enter a name for the new orchestration.

  4. Click Save.

    Caution: If you make a copy of an orchestration, only the orchestration is copied. The Orchestrator Studio does NOT make a copy of the components that are associated with the orchestration's steps. That is, both the original orchestration and the new orchestration use the same components that comprise the orchestration. Therefore, in the new orchestration, do NOT modify the components in any way that would break other orchestrations that use the same components.