Adding Inputs to an Orchestration

Orchestration inputs identify the data the orchestration consumes from external devices. In the orchestration, you enter the names of the inputs. For example you can enter "SensorID" to pass a sensor ID value to an orchestration and you can enter "TemperatureReading" to pass a temperature value to the orchestration.

Note: If a device input does not match an EnterpriseOne value, such as a column or field name, you can use a cross reference to map the input to the appropriate EnterpriseOne value. See Creating Cross References for more information.If the orchestration requires a rule, you use the inputs defined in the orchestration to configure the rule. See Creating Rules for more information.

You enter inputs directly in the Input and Value Type columns in the grid in the orchestration design panel.

To add the orchestration inputs:

  1. In the first empty row, enter the name of the input in the Input column.

    Note: When you click in this column, the "Drag to Mapped Value" hover message appears. This message applies to when you use the inputs to configure a service request, rule, or cross reference as described later in this chapter.
  2. In the Value Type column, select the input value type. Valid values are:

    • String

    • Numeric

    Or you can use any of the following date formats:

    • dd/MM/yyyy

    • dd/MM/yy

    • yyyy/MM/dd

    • MM/dd/yyyy

    • MM/dd/yy

    • yy/MM/dd

    You can also use the following date formats, which create additional inputs derived from the passed value:

    • Milliseconds

    • yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ

  3. Click Save All to save your changes.