Accessing Page Composer

You must be in Page Composer to edit a Composed EnterpriseOne Page.

To open a Composed EnterpriseOne Page for editing:

  1. On the EnterpriseOne screen, click the user personal information located on the right side of the banner bar at the top.

  2. Under the Personalization category, click the Manage Content link, then click Composed Pages. The last opened Composed EnterpriseOne Page or Welcome to EnterpriseOne Page Composer launch screen will be the default landing page. You can select other Composed EnterpriseOne Pages from the Name drop-down list.

Note: If you were on a Composed EnterpriseOne Page, the Page Composer will default to the last opened page and display its information. If you were on a Classic EnterpriseOne Page, then it will default to the launch screen.

When a Composed EnterpriseOne Page is opened in Page Composer, you see all the content that was added previously for the given Composed EnterpriseOne Page.