Adding a Springboard Pane to a Composed EnterpriseOne Page (Release 9.2.1)

You must be in the Page Composer to add a Springboard Pane.

To add a Springboard Pane to a Composed EnterpriseOne Page:

  1. Open the Composed EnterpriseOne Page to which you want to add a Springboard Pane.

  2. Click the Create New Content icon on the banner across the top of the screen.

    The Drag and drop to workspace to create dialog box is displayed and shows the kinds of content you can add.

  3. Click the Springboard Pane icon and drag and drop the empty frame that appears to the page.

    You can position the empty frame horizontally or vertically on the page.

After you drop the empty frame on the page, the Create Link to Springboard Pane dialog appears. The title bar includes a Close icon. Clicking the Close icon before saving the content cancels the content.