Entering Watchlist Pane Information

This section describes the tasks associated with the Watchlist Pane.

  1. On Create Link to Watchlist Pane, complete the following fields and tasks:

    • Name

      Enter a name for the Watchlist Pane. This is a required field. The name that you enter can be up to 80 characters.

    • Description

      Enter a description for the content frame. This is an optional field. The description that you enter can be up to 200 characters.

      The description that you enter appears on the title bar of the Watchlist Pane when the content is saved. If you do not enter a description, the Watchlist Pane will not have a name when it is displayed on the Composed EnterpriseOne Page.

      You can use the description to provide information about the content frame.

    • Options

      Choose the type of Watchlist Pane that you want to add:

      All Watchlists

      Select this option to add a new Watchlist Pane which displays all the personal and shared Watchlists that are currently available to you.

      Once the pane is saved, it becomes a static list. Additional Watchlists that are available to you at a later time will not be added to the pane automatically.

      In the Watchlist Pane of the Page Composer, you can delete a Watchlist by selecting it and clicking the Delete icon located in the middle of the tile. Once you delete a Watchlist, a tile with a plus sign (Add item icon) is displayed in the content frame. Clicking this icon displays an inventory list of all the deleted Watchlists. Select any Watchlist from the list to add it to the pane.

      Empty Watchlist

      Select this option to add a new Watchlist Pane with no Watchlists. You can choose to add Watchlists to the pane from the content frame.

      Once the empty Watchlist Pane is added in the Page Composer, a tile with a plus sign (Add item icon) is displayed in the content frame. Clicking this icon displays an inventory list of the existing Watchlists. Select any Watchlist from the list to add it to the pane.

      Dynamic Watchlist

      Select this option to add a new Watchlist Pane with all the personal and shared Watchlists that are available to you. The Watchlists displayed in the pane cannot be modified but are dynamically determined during runtime for the Composed EnterpriseOne Page. When a dynamic Watchlist Pane is shared with other users, only those Watchlists will be displayed in the content frame for which the users have permission.

  2. After you enter the required information, click OK to add a Watchlist Pane to the Composed EnterpriseOne Page.

Note: You can add only one Watchlist Pane to a given Composed EnterpriseOne Page. Once you choose to add Watchlist Pane content type, that option is not available again in the Content Type pop-up menu.