Modifying a Shared UDO

You can modify a shared UDO by reserving it. Reserving a shared UDO results in a copy of the shared UDO available to you in the reserved category on the Name drop-down list. The original shared UDO is still available to other users.

If you reserve a UDO and then decide you do not want to change it, you can click the Unreserve icon. The original UDO is available as a Shared UDO.

When you select a shared UDO in edit mode and the UDO has been reserved for editing by another user, the title bar indicates that the UDO is reserved and user ID of the individual who reserved it. You cannot modify this shared UDO.

When you select a shared UDO in edit mode and the UDO has been checked out of OMW, the title bar indicates that the token is held in a project. You cannot modify this shared UDO.

To modify a shared UDO:

  1. In the UDO manager panel, select the UDO that you want to edit in the shared category of the Name drop-down list.

  2. Click the Reserve icon.

    This action makes the shared UDO a personal UDO for you, and it appears in the Name drop-down list in the Reserved category for only you. Other users see the shared UDO.

  3. Make changes to the UDO as desired.

  4. Save the UDO by doing one of the following:

    1. Click Save. This will override the existing UDO.

    2. Click Save As. This option saves the changes with a new name and keeps the original intact.

    Important: You must save or save as the UDO before you click the Request to Publish icon. If you do not save the UDO, your changes will be lost and the original UDO without your changes will be placed in Pending Approval status.
  5. Click the Request to Publish icon.

  6. Close the UDO manager panel.