Renaming Grid Column Headers (Release

To rename grid column headers:

  1. Access the application containing the grid for which you want to rename the column headers.

  2. Click the Personalize Grid icon.

  3. In the Grid Format Manager side panel, create a new Table View grid format or select the grid format that you want to modify.

  4. Scroll to the Display and Order section.

  5. To rename a column header, select the column name in the Display and Order list, click the Edit Column Name icon, and then enter the new name.

    The system displays the renamed column header in blue color font. The system also displays the new column header in the Available Columns list, and in the Column Format and Data Sequencing sections.

    • You can edit only the names of the column headers that are in the Display and Order list; you cannot edit those in the Available Columns list.

    • Renamed grid column headers will not be reflected in One View reports.

  6. Repeat step 5 for any other grid column headers that you want to rename.

  7. To reset a column header name, select the column name in the Display and Order list and then click the Revert to Original icon.

    Note: The Revert to Original icon is enabled only if you select a renamed column header name.
  8. Click Save and then click Close.

Note: Translation is not supported for the renamed column headers.