Springboard Pane at Runtime (Release 9.2.1)

The Springboard Pane on the Composed EnterpriseOne Page displays all the tasks that are the children of the parent task that you added. The tasks displayed on the Springboard Pane are labeled with task names and display an image associated with it. The Springboard Pane provides quick access to the EnterpriseOne applications, batch programs, ADF applications, and One View Reports.

Note: A message is displayed in the content frame of the Springboard Pane if:
  • The task folder does not contain any tasks.

  • The role does not have permission to access the task folder.

The Springboard Pane displays only those tasks for which a role has permissions. When you click a task in the Springboard Pane, the system opens the associated application in a separate frame and launches a springboard. The springboard is a container that includes task items that can be opened. By default, the springboard is displayed at the top of a form. The Springboard Pane on the Composed EnterpriseOne Page displays only application, batch program, ADF application, and One View Report task types that exist in the specified task view or task folder. Webpages included in a task view or task folder will not be displayed on the Springboard Pane.

The tasks displayed on the springboard appear as tiles. On a springboard, each task tile contains an image and text describing the application or the task with which it is associated. Click a tile in the springboard to open the application in a new frame. The springboard container highlights the task tile that represents the application that is currently open. You can open a different application by clicking an icon in the springboard. Every application launched from the Springboard Pane displays the springboard container and shows the same icons in the same sequence. If you navigate to a different application using springboard and return to one of the previously launched applications, then the system opens the existing session.

The springboard can be docked along any of the four sides of the frame. You can change the springboard position by dragging and dropping the springboard to a new position. When docked along the top or bottom of the frame, the tiles are displayed horizontally. When docked along the right or left, the tiles are displayed vertically.

You can expand and collapse the springboard container. Click the bar along the edge of the springboard container to toggle between the expandable and collapsible states of the springboard.

EnterpriseOne preserves the springboard position and the expand/collapse state of the springboard container. The next time you log in to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application, the springboard appears at the same location with the same state from the previous session.

The Springboard Pane displays a message when a task index build is in progress. You can continue to work on other applications or switch to other Composed EnterpriseOne Pages that do not depend on the task index builds. After the build is complete, the Springboard Pane is automatically displayed with the task items.

See Working with Task Index Builds (Release 9.2.1) for more information.

Viewing Tasks in the Springboard Pane

The Springboard Pane displays only those task items for which a role has permissions. Menu indexing determines the correct set of task items to be displayed for a role in the Springboard Pane.

When you launch a role-based task, the system applies your login role to the task. If the system administrator has applied other roles to you, then you can view the tasks by any of those roles to see a different set of tasks. The various permissions required for a role to access tasks in a Springboard include menu filtering, task view security, and application security, and UDO view security for OVR tasks. See Working with Task Index Builds (Release 9.2.1) for more information.

If the sequence for tasks in a task folder is changed, then you must rebuild the parent task using the Work with Task Index Builds application (P90013) for the Springboard Pane to reflect the new sequence.

See Building a Task Index By Task for more information.