Advanced Search

Access the Advanced Search form. Click the Advanced Search link.

Select the appropriate option to activate the desired search fields. You can search by multiple items. For example, select Case and Solution to search using both areas. You must conduct the search in one transaction. You cannot conduct a search on solutions and then conduct a search on cases to have the system combine the results.


Select this option to activate the case related search fields. A case enables you to capture the details of customers' problems and provides a process for tracking cases from creation to resolution. You can also attach either internal and external messages or documents to a case using media objects.

Business Unit

Enter text in this field to identify a separate entity within a business for which you want to track costs, for example, a warehouse location, job, project, work center, or branch/plant. The Business Unit field is alphanumeric. Business Unit Security can prevent you from inquiring on business units for which you have no authority.

Case ID

Enter the number to search for the solutions that identifies an original document. This document can be a voucher, a sales order, an invoice, unapplied cash, a journal entry, and so on.

Case Summary

Enter a description of the customer issue. Values are:

=: Is Equal to.

! =: Not Equal to.

Contains: Have within.


Enter an item number to search for solutions, scripts, cases, or work orders that are associated with the item.Note: You can use the item field to search for cases, work orders, scripts, and solutions.


Enter a row number to display the search for solutions, scripts, cases, or work orders associated to the search solutions.

Note: You can use the Display field to search for cases, work orders, scripts, and solutions.

Work Order

Select this option to activate the work order related search fields. Work orders enable you to track all of the necessary phases of the work to resolve a customer's issue, from scheduling a technician to the technician's arrival and successful completion of the work.

Business Unit

Enter a text in this field to identify a separate entity within a business for which you want to track costs. For example, a business unit might be a warehouse location, job, project, work center, branch, or plant.

Order Number

Enter the number of work orders for which you want the solutions that identifies an original document. This document can be a voucher, a sales order, an invoice, unapplied cash, a journal entry, and so on.

Issue Description

Enter a description of the customer issue. Values are:

=: Is Equal to.

! =: Not Equal to.

Contains: Have within.

Work Order

Enter a user-defined name or remark. Values are:

=: Is Equal to.

! =: Not Equal to.

Contains: Have within.


Select this option to activate the script related search fields. A script is a predefined set of questions or statements that are joined together in a specific order and used to gather information from respondents. When the script is processed, which is known as runtime, a questioner follows the script and records the respondent's answers.

Enable Script Search with Item

Select this option to activate the script search with item related search fields. The Enable Script Search with Item check box enables you to activate the Item Number field. Use the Item Number field to enter an item number in the applicable area to search for scripts associated to an item.

Script Name

Enter the name of the script. Values are:

=: Is Equal to.

! =: Not Equal to.

Contains: Have within.

Script Description

Enter text in this field to search for a branch script record based on the script's detailed description. Values are:

=: Is Equal to.

! =: Not Equal to.

Contains: Have within.


Select this option to activate the solution related search fields. Solutions are records of known resolutions that can assist agents or customers issues. Each solution record stores a number of attributes designed to help you locate a solution quickly or to resolve the issue.

Enable Solution Search with Item

Select this option to activate the Enable Solution Search with Item related search fields. The Enable Script Solution with Item checkbox enables you to activate the Item Number field. Use the Item Number field to enter an item number in the applicable area to search for solutions associated to the item.

Solution ID

Enter a system-defined number that uniquely identifies each solution record that you create. The system generates the solution ID after the user successfully saves the solution record for the first time.

Solution Summary

Enter a summary of the solution details and content. The Solution Summary field is available for searching via the solution advisor basic and advanced search functionality. Values are:

=: Is Equal to.

! =: Not Equal to.

Contains: Have within.

Solution Details

Enter a detailed description of the solution record and the steps that user must complete to resolve the issue. Values are:

=: Is Equal to.

! =: Not Equal to.

Contains: Have within.


Enter a textual description of the symptoms that may be causing the problem identified by the caller. The solution details are designed to address and resolve the symptoms listed in this field. Values are:

=: Is Equal to.

! =: Not Equal to.

Contains: Have within.

Solution Keyword

Enter a summary of words or phrases that is valuable when searching for the solution record. Values are:

=: Is Equal to.

! =: Not Equal to.

Contains: Have within.


Enter a solution library. When you set up solutions, you can add a level of organization to solutions by creating libraries to group solutions.


Review the value in this field to determine which solution best matches the search criteria. The system displays score values in whole numbers from 0 to 100. Typically, the results with the highest score value are most valuable.

Record Description

Review the type of record. This field specifies whether the result is a case, work order, solution, or script. You can assign solutions to cases only; however you can access work order, case, or script records through the ID field to determine the solution.

This field enables you to search for and run a script. If you run a script, the Related Actions tab records a script instance for the script.