Assigning Provider Group Members Using Skill Levels

Access the Provider Group Employees form.

Employee Number

Enter the Address Book number of the person whom you assign to the provider group. You can assign Address Book numbers with all search types to a provider group as long as the Address Book record has been set up as a service provider.

Skill Level

Enter the provider group member's skill level. Use a value from UDC 90CG/SL. The system uses each provider group member's skill level to assign cases and process escalations. When assigning cases, the system starts with the provider group member with the lowest skill level and then proceeds to the next skill level.


Define the manager for the provider group. You can select only one manager per provider group. To select the provider group's manager, you must click the radio button by the member and then select Set Manager. The manager of each provider group receives the past due notification and is assigned to all unresolved cases. The manager still receives past due case assignments even if the Unavailable Flag is selected.

Unavailable Flag

Select this field for members who are unavailable for case assignment; for example, when they are on vacation or out of the office. Provider group members that have the Unavailable Flag selected do not have any cases assigned to them until the field is cleared.