Assigning Solutions to a Case

Access the Manage Case form. Select the Solutions tab.

Use this form to view solutions that have been assigned to the cases and access the email application that enables users to send solutions to customers. You can assign solutions from the Search, Frequently Used, and Create New forms; however, you must always return to the Attempted Solutions form to view the list of solutions that you have associated with the case and to send selected solutions to the customer.

Resolution Status

Enter SR (successful resolution) in the Status field of an attempted solution record; the system populates this field. The value appears by default from the Status field of the updated solution record in the Attempted Solutions grid.

Resolution Summary

Enter SR (successful resolution) in the Status field of an attempted solution record; the system populates this field. The value appears by default from the Solution Summary field of the updated solution record in the Attempted Solutions grid.

Resolution Detail

Enter SR (successful resolution) in the Status field of an attempted solution record; the system populates this field. The value appears by default from the Details field of the updated solution record in the Attempted Solution grid.


Select a solution status from UDC 90CE/AS. When solutions initially appear on this list, they have a status of IC (in consideration).

To specify that a solution has resolved the case, enter SR (successful resolution) in the Status field of the appropriate attempted solution record. When you enter SR, the system updates the Resolution Status, Resolution Summary, and Resolution Detail fields. After you assign a solution with a status SR, you cannot change the status of other solutions.

If you determine that a solution does not resolve a case after you have assigned it a status SR, reopen the case, click Resolution Failed and the system returns the solution to the Records area of the form with a status FR (failed resolution). You can then assign another solution to the case and edit the status of other solutions, including the solution that you marked as a failed resolution.

Note: After you assign a successful solution for a case, the case status is updated to 999 (complete or closed). You must reopen the case by updating the Case Status field on the Case Update form before you can change the solution status.