
Access the Edits tab.

1. Entitlement Check

Use this processing option to specify how the system performs the entitlement check. Values are:

Blank: Do not perform entitlement checking.

1: Check the entitlement with the date table (F1791).

2: Check the entitlement without the date table (F1791).

2. Maximum days for reopening Case

Use this processing option to specify the maximum number of days that you can reopen a closed case. If you leave this processing option blank, you cannot reopen a closed case.

3. Date/Time Opened

Use this processing option to specify whether the system uses the current date and time as the beginning date and time when you reopen a case. Values are:

Blank: The original date and time that the case was opened remain on the case.

1: The system uses the current date and time as the beginning date and time for the case.

4. Date/Time Returned

Use this processing option to specify whether to clear the date and time when a case is reopened. Values are:

Blank: Leave the original date and time in the case.

1: Clear the date and time in the case.

5. Area Code and Phone Number

Use this processing option to specify whether the system requires you to enter the area code and phone number when you enter a case. Values are:

Blank: Require the area code and phone number.

1: Do not require the area code and phone number.

6. Reason Code

Use this processing option to specify whether to require a reason code when you close a case. Values are:

Blank: Do not require a reason code.

1: Require a reason code.