Forms Used to Set Up Case Types

Form Name




Case Type Revisions


Case Setup (G90CG), Provider Group Revisions

On the Work With Provider Groups form, select Provider Group Type from the Form menu.

For generic case types, define the default Case Type from UDC 17/CT, Default Case Source from UDC 17/SC, and Resp Time (response time) for all provider groups.

Case Type Revisions


On the Work With Provider Groups form, select the provider group and select Prdr Grp Types (provider group types) from the Row menu.

For provider group-specific case types, define the default case type from UDC 17/CT, Default Case Source from UDC 17/SC, and Resp Time (response time) for the selected provider group.

Note: To define a case type, you must first create the case type value in the UDC 17/CT table.