Issue Description

The Issue Description groupbox includes the Problem field that you can use to enter the description of the problem and the Reason field that you can use enter the reason for the problem. The system displays the Failure Code field if:

  • You have selected the Failure Analysis Tree for Selecting Failure Analysis Codes option in the General tab of the S/WM System Constants Revisions form.

  • You have not selected the Use Solution Advisor option in the Case tab of the S/WM System Constants Revisions form.

If you have set the constants to fulfil these conditions, the system displays and locks the Problem field and populates it with the associated description of the failure code that you entered in the Failure Code field. The system uses the failure description as the default value for the problem description and you cannot edit it. You can set the Validate Failure Codes processing option to not validate problem codes against failure codes. Then, you can edit the Problem field and can override the failure description.

If you have not set the constants to fulfil the conditions, the system does not display the Failure Code field and the problem description that you enter in the Problem field is not validated against failure codes.

You can also enter few lines of texts to describe the problem or attach a media object to explain the problem.