
The last step in creating script components is to create script questions. You use the Question program (P90CF060) to create script questions. When you create questions, the system creates records in the F90CF060 table.

You can create these types of questions:

  • Single select

    The respondent can choose only one answer to this question. This question has a list of valid answers which are associated with an answer set. An example of a single select question might be Are you calling about an existing issue? Valid answers are Yes or No, and the user can choose only one.

  • Multiple select

    The respondent can choose one or more answers to this question. This question has a list of valid answers that are associated with an answer set. An example of a multiple select question might be What are your three favorite colors? Valid answers include a list of different colors, from which the respondent can choose three.

  • Value input

    The user can enter free-form text as the answer to the question. This question is not associated with a list of answers from an answer set. An example of a value input question might be What is your address? The user can enter the respondent's address as the answer to the question. You cannot assign scores to value input questions.

  • Guide information

    Guide information questions are statements that the user sees, and they do not require any answers. You might insert guide information questions periodically in a script to provide the respondent with information. An example of a guide information question might be Thank you for this information. We're about half way through the survey now. These questions are not associated with a list of answers from an answer set, and you cannot assign scores to them.

After you select the type of question, you can then enter the question and additional information about the question. You can provide a question hint, which helps users to understand the context in which a question should be asked or helps them determine the type of information that they are trying to receive from the respondent. For example, for the question What is your address?, you might include a hint that instructs users to gather the full address, including city, state, and zip code, so that they do not move on to the next question before gathering all of the necessary information.

You then associate the question, if it is a single or multiple select, with an answer set. When you build the script and insert the question, you can specify which answers in the answer set are available for this question in this script. The ability to select specified answers from an answer set enables you to create fewer answers sets. For example, you might create one answer set called Colors. This answer set can be used for any question where a respondent must choose a color, even if each question has a different set of valid colors to choose from. When you build the script, you can choose from the answer set only the colors that are associated with the current question.

You can also associate a variable with a question, or insert a token in the question or question hint text. If you associate a variable with a question, the answer to the question is used as the value for that variable. That value is then used to replace the associated token in subsequent questions. For example, you might create the question What is your favorite color? and associate that question with the Favorite Color variable. If the respondent selects red as the answer, any subsequent questions that have the Favorite Color token display the word Red in place of the token. For example, if the next question is Would you be interested in purchasing {Favorite Color token} widgets?, the system displays the question as follows, replacing the token with the variable value:

Would you be interested in purchasing red widgets?

To insert a token into a question, you click the Display Token link to display a list of available tokens. The tokens are displayed in alphabetical order. You can copy and paste the token from the Display Token area of the form into the question text.

Lastly, you can translate questions into multiple languages. If the organization deals with multilingual clients, prospects, or respondents, translating questions enables you to create one set of answers, and translate it into all necessary languages. When users run a script, they select the language in which they want the script to appear. If the question is available in the selected language, the user sees the translated question. If the question is not available in the selected language, the system displays the question in the language in which it was originally created.

When you translate a question, the system creates a record in the F90CF06A table.