Considerations for Basket Adjustments for Receipts

You should be aware of the following considerations when working with basket adjustments for receipts:



Receipt lines ineligible for repricing

The R45750 program does not process basket adjustments for direct ship, transfer, or intercompany receipts. It also does not process lines for lump sums or lines for cost accounting.

Vouchered receipt lines

You cannot reprice a receipt line for which a voucher exists. If you need to reprice the receipt line, reverse the voucher line and then apply the basket adjustment to the receipt.

Receipt match type

The R45750 program reprices receipts only when the receipt match type is 1. The system includes receipts with match types 1, 3, and 4 in the calculations for eligibility of the basket adjustment.

If the receipt line has a match type 2 and a match type 1 record exists for the receipt, the match type 2 line is ignored because the amounts are accumulated using the match type 1 line.

Voucher match variance account

Whether voucher match variance is on or off, the system uses DMAAI 4320 and DMAAI 4335 to write journal entries.

Receipt reprice after purchase order reprice

If you reprice a receipt that had a basket-level adjustment applied to the purchase order, the system uses the base cost of the item when it applies the basket adjustment to the receipt. The adjusted unit cost includes the adjustment from the purchase order plus the adjustment from the receipt.

Partially received lines

The Re-price Orders with Received Lines processing option in the R45750 program determines whether the system reprices purchase orders for which one or more lines on the order are received.

See Purchase Order Basket Adjustments After Receipts.

Order Activity Rules

If the value in the Ledger (Y/N) field in the Order Activity Rules program (P40204) is equal to Y for the Order Type/Line Type combination, then the system updates the amount received, foreign amount received, and quantity received in the F43199 table from the values in the F43121 table.

Costs Methods

Cost methods 02 and 07 are supported for basket adjustments for receipts. You assign the cost methods to items in the Cost Revisions (P4105) program.

The R45750 program writes the variance to the F0911 table using the following DMAAIs:

  • Cost Method 2 uses DMAAIs 4338 (Weigh Tag Related) and 4320 (Received Not Vouchered).

  • Cost Method 07 uses DMAAIs 4335 (Standard Cost) and 4320 (Received Not Vouchered).

The R45750 program also writes a record to the F4111 table for items assigned cost method 02.

Kit and configured items

The system does not apply basket adjustments to lines with a stocking type of C (configured) or K (kit), and for which the method of costing is 4; or to kit or configured components.