How the System Applies Basket Adjustments to Receipts

Note: If you run the R45750 program to apply adjustments to purchase orders only or to both receipts and the purchase order, refer to How the System Applies Basket Adjustments to Purchase Orders for information about the purchase order adjustments.

You run the R45750 program to apply basket adjustments to receipts after you process receipts for a purchase order. When you run the R45750 program, the system updates the records that were written to database tables when you processed the receipt or receipts, and creates new records in some of the tables. The program always applies adjustments to the base cost.

Note: The process does not change any records written to the tables used for purchase order adjustments if you applied a basket adjustment to the purchase order, except that the Amount Received field in the F4311 table is updated when you apply an adjustment to a receipt.

When you run the R45750 program to reprice receipts, the system performs the following actions:

  1. Accumulates the amounts received and the quantity received from the Purchase Order Receiver File (F43121) and the calculated weight from the F4311 table.

    Receipt records were written to the F43121 table and updated in the F4311 table when you processed receipts.

  2. Applies the receipt basket adjustment to qualifying items on the receipt if the value in the Transactions to be Processed processing option is 1 (Receipts only) or 2 (Purchase orders and receipts).

    The R45750 program uses the adjustment schedule associated with the purchase order to retrieve the adjustment details. The schedule must include an adjustment definition that is set up for receipts.

    The R45750 program does not apply basket adjustments to lines with a price override (PROV=1), but it does include those lines in the accumulations that determine whether the order meets the requirements of the adjustment definition.

  3. Updates the following fields in the F43121 table:

    • Unit Cost (PRRC)

    • Amount Received (AREC)

    • Foreign Unit Cost (FRRC)

    • Foreign Amount Received (FREC)

  4. Updates the following fields in the Purchase Order Detail File (F4311):

    • Amount Received (AREC)

    • Foreign Amount Received (FREC)

  5. Writes lines to the Price Adjustment Ledger File (F4074).

    The system creates copies of the receipt's associated purchase order lines, and adds lines for the receipt adjustment. See F4074 Table Records.

  6. Writes journal entries to the F0911 table if a variance exists and for tax amounts.

    • The description of the entry is Repriced.

    • The system uses DMAAI 4320 (Received Not Vouchered) to write the debit entry for the variance.

    • If the original journal entry amount created when the line was received is different from the journal entry amount after the adjustment is applied, the system uses DMAAI 4335 (Standard Cost Variance) to write a credit entry for the variance, unless the cost method is 02 (weighted average). For method 02, the system uses DMAAI 4338.

    • Any tax lines that were written to the F0911 for the receipt are adjusted with a receipt basket adjustment is applied.

  7. If the cost method is 02, writes a record to the F4111 table if there is a variance between the receipt price and the price after the adjustment is applied.

  8. Generates a report.

    See Report Output for Basket Adjustments for Purchase Orders and Receipts.

F4074 Table Records

When you created the purchase order, the system wrote base cost records to the F4074 table for each purchase order line. Each of those lines has no value (the field is blank) in the Target Application, Adj Name (adjustment name), and Adj Schedule (adjustment schedule) fields of the F4074 table. If you applied a basket adjustment to the purchase order, the F4074 table also includes records for the adjustment. The adjustment lines have 1 (Procurement) in the Target Application field, and have the adjustment name and the adjustment schedule name in the Adj Name and Adj Schedule fields.

Note: The system does not write records to the F4074 table when you receive quantities or amounts. It writes them for the purchase order detail lines, purchase order basket adjustments, and receipt basket adjustments.

When you apply adjustments to receipts for a purchase order, the system:

  • Creates copies of the existing purchase order and purchase order adjustments lines (if any) for each receipt line that is adjusted.

    The Price History Alternate Key field for the copied lines written to the table is incremented by 1 each time that you receive against the purchase order line.

  • Writes a line for each receipt line adjustment.

    The Price History Alternate Key field for the receipt adjustment line includes the same value as is assigned to the copied purchase order lines. The receipt adjustment line also includes the adjustment name, adjustment schedule, and a 6 (Receipt) in the Target Application field.

Consider this simple example: Suppose that you entered a purchase order with one detail line and that you applied a basket adjustment to the line. Along with information about the price, unit cost, and so forth, the F4074 record would show the following values:

Type of Line

Price History Alternate Key Field

Adj Name Field

Adj Schedule Field

Target Application Field

Purchase order





Purchase order basket adjustment


<adjustment name>

<schedule name>


If you then receive amounts or quantities and then apply a basket adjustment to the receipts, the F4074 records include:

  • The original purchase order and purchase order adjustment lines

  • Copies of the purchase order and purchase order adjustment lines

    The copies of the original lines have a 1 in the Price History Alternate Key field.

  • The receipt adjustment line

    The new line for the receipt adjustment is written to the table with:

    • The same value in the Price History Alternate Key field as the copied lines

    • A value of 6 in the Target Application field

The following table illustrates the records that exist for the purchase order and receipts after basket adjustments are applied:

Type of Line

Price History Alternate Key Field

Adj Name Field

Adj Schedule Field

Target Application Field

Purchase order





Purchase order basket adjustment


<adjustment name>

<schedule name>


Purchase order





Purchase order basket adjustment


<adjustment name>

<schedule name>


Receipt basket adjustment


<adjustment name>

<schedule name>


Processing Options for Receipt Basket Adjustments

Review the following table for information about processing options that affect receipt basket adjustments:

Processing Option


Transactions to be Processed

The value in this processing option must be 1 (Receipts only) or 2 (Purchase orders and receipts).

Date for Re-price Receipt

The system uses this processing option to determine which receipt adjustment to use if multiple adjustment definitions exist and the adjustment definitions have different effective dates.

Re-price Receipts with Landed Costs

This processing option determines whether the system reprices landed cost receipt lines. Leave the processing option blank to enable the system to reprice landed cost receipt lines that have a value of 1 in the Landed Cost Code field in the F43121 table.

PO Receipts (P4312) Version

This processing enables you to specify the version of the P4312 program to use.