How the System Applies Basket Adjustments to Purchase Orders

You can apply basket automatically, interactively, or by running the R45750 program as a batch process. See Running the R45750 Program as a Batch Process for information about the batch process.

You can use the following programs to automatically or interactively apply basket adjustments:

  • Purchase Order Entry (P4310), Requisitions/Blanket Order Release (P43060), and PO Generator (P43011) programs.

    The system runs the R45750 program automatically when you save a purchase order (P4310) or generate a purchase order (P43060 and P43011); and the processing option for basket adjustments is set to automatically run the R45750 program. You can also interactively apply a basket adjustment in the P4310 program by selecting an option from a menu.

    See Applying Basket-Level Adjustments to Purchase Orders.

  • Purchase Order Generator program (P43032).

    If the P43032 program is set up to automatically apply a basket adjustment, the program does so when you click the Generate Order(s) option. If the program is not set up to automatically apply a basket adjustment, you can apply an adjustment interactively using the Apply Reprice option on the Items Selected for Order form to preview the adjustment, and then click the Generate Order(s) option to apply the adjustment.

    If the program is set up to automatically apply an adjustment and you preview the adjustment and then click Generate Order(s), the program clears the preview records from the cache and generates the purchase order based on the adjustment schedule.

When the system runs the R45750 program, the program:

  1. Removes existing basket level adjustments from the grid if basket adjustments already exist for the purchase order.

    The R45750 program reprices the order using the base unit cost.

  2. Accumulates the amounts, quantities, and weights for each Purchase Order Detail (F4311) record and converts them to a common unit of measure.

    The R45750 program does not apply basket adjustments to lines with a price override (PROV=1), but it does include those lines in the accumulations that determine whether the order meets the requirements of the adjustment definition.

  3. Updates the Unit Cost field in the F4311 table with the adjusted cost.

    The adjusted cost is the unit cost from the Item Cost File (F4105) with the basket adjustment applied.

  4. Updates the Order Total field in the Purchase Order Header table (F4301) with the adjusted extended cost.

  5. Updates the price history to maintain integrity between the purchase order and the Price Adjustment Ledger File (F4074).

  6. Prints a report for each purchase order processed.

    See Report Output for Basket Adjustments for Purchase Orders and Receipts.