Considerations for Order Pricing for Purchase Orders

You should be aware of the following considerations when working with order adjustments for purchase orders:



Ineligible orders

The R45750 program does not process order adjustments for direct ship, transfer, or intercompany purchase orders.

Processing options for order adjustments

To apply order-level adjustments automatically in P4310, you must set the Auto Basket and Order Level Re-pricing processing option to 1 in the Process tab in P4310.

To apply order-level adjustments automatically in P43060, P43011, or P43032 programs, you must set the Auto Basket and Order Level Re-pricing processing option to 1 in the version of P4310 being called from these programs.

Applying order adjustments to purchase orders

Order adjustments can be applied only to purchase orders and the Transactions to be processed option in the R45750 program must be set for processing purchase orders.

Note: If basket adjustments exist for the purchase order and receipt, the R45750 program can be set for processing both purchase orders and receipts.

See Applying Order-Level Adjustments to Purchase Orders

Orders with line, order, and basket adjustment schedules

If a purchase order has lines that are eligible for line-level adjustments as well as the entire order being eligible for basket-level adjustments and order-level adjustments, the system applies line adjustment first, then it applies basket adjustments and then order adjustments.

Cancelled order adjustments

You can cancel order adjustments using the Cancel option on the Form menu of the Purchase Order Detail form, and you can effectively cancel adjustments by changing the adjustment schedule assigned to the order and then applying the new adjustment.

After cancelling an order adjustment using the cancel reprice option, the system deletes the order level adjustment line that was added while applying the reprice.


The report output for the R45750 program includes the original and adjusted amounts in the transaction currency.

Processing messages

You can process purchase order messages from the MRP Detail Message Review program (P3411) and the MRP/MPS Detail Message Processing program (R3411). Processing the messages creates the purchase order.

You can specify versions of the P4310 program in the P3411 and R3411 programs. If the Auto Basket and Order Level Repricing processing option in the P4310 program is set to 1 to enable orderl adjustments, the system applies order adjustments according to the adjustment schedule associated with the orders.

Free goods

You can add free goods to purchase orders that have order adjustments. See Working With Free Goods in Order Adjustments.

Kit and configured items

The system does not apply order adjustments to purchase orders with a stocking type of C (configured) or K (kit), and for which the method of costing is 4.

Purchase Order Adjustments After Receipts

You might need to apply a order adjustment to a purchase order that has received or partially received lines. The Re-price Orders with Received Lines processing option controls whether the R45750 program enables you to apply an adjustment to an order with received lines. If you leave the processing option blank to enable repricing of purchase orders, the program reprices only the purchase order lines with no receipts. Received lines are included in the calculations to determine if the order qualifies for the adjustment. If you enter 1 in the processing option to prevent the order from being repriced, the system does not process adjustments for purchase orders with any receipts.