Forms Used to Work with the Pricing Workbench

Form Name

Form ID



Work With Price Workbench Queries


Pricing Inquiries (G423113), Pricing Workbench

Locate and select existing price workbench queries.

Control Panel


Click Add on the Work With Price Workbench Queries form.

On Control Panel, specify the focus, such as on customers, customers groups, items, and so on.

Select Generate from the Form menu.

Generate a pricing search query.

Focus On






Locate and select a pricing search query record on the Work With Price Workbench Queries form.

The system displays a different form depending on the pricing search query you select. For example, if you select a customer (01) pricing search query, the system displays the Focus On Customer form. If you select an item (05) pricing search query, the system displays the Focus On Item form, and so on. After you select a pricing search query, the system displays the applicable fields.

To regenerate a pricing query, on the Work With Price Workbench Queries, locate an existing pricing search query and select Regenerate from the Row menu.

To regenerate a pricing query, select a pricing search query on the Focus On form and select Regenerate from the Form menu.

View the results of a pricing search query.

Regenerate a pricing query.

Price Adjustments Global Revisions


Select Mass Maintenance from the Form menu on the Focus On form.

Alternatively, from the Advanced Operations (G423114) menu, select Mass Maintenance.

On Price Adjustments Global Revisions, locate the search agent, click Update Grid Only, and then click OK.

Perform a mass update of price adjustment records.