Pricing Search Queries

When you generate a pricing search query on the Control Panel form, the system determines whether an existing pricing search query uses the same parameters. If so, the system displays a form that requests whether you want to overwrite the existing query. If the system finds a pricing search query in the processing queue, the system issues an error message and does not run the Price Workbench Pre-Resolution program (R45502). If the system determines that the pricing search query does not exist, or if you request to overwrite the existing one, the system runs the Price Workbench Pre-Resolution program to generate the pricing search query.

While the system generates the pricing search query, you can continue to use the Pricing Workbench program to browse through other pricing search queries. Pricing search queries may take time to generate, depending on how many related records exist for that query.

You can view query records using the Pricing Workbench program. The system displays the details of the queries based on the Focus On value you specified for the query. For example, an 01 (Customer) query has options to view only the detail records that have explicit references to the customer number, to view only those that have implicit references to the customer, or to view both. An 03 (Customer Group) query does not have these options. However, all query detail forms have the option to filter records based on an effective date.

The query detail forms also have row menu options to all the price adjustment applications, such as Adjustment Definition, Adjustment Details, and so on. The row menus enable you to modify and maintain adjustment records.

Note: If you select a query that is being processed, you may not be able to view all of the valid detail records for the query.

The system stores information for generated queries in the F4510 table. The system generates the detail records when the queries are created. The system stores the generated records in the F4511W table.

You can regenerate a completed query by selecting Regenerate from the Form menu on the Focus On form. When you regenerate a query, the system retrieves information from the query, deletes the existing query, and runs the Price Workbench Pre-Resolution batch program to regenerate the query. You must the click the Find button to view the regenerated query. If you regenerate a query before it is completed, the system issues an error.

You can delete a completed pricing search query. When you delete a pricing search query, the Delete Price Workbench Query Details (R45503) program deletes all matching detail records for the selected pricing search query.

Note: If you delete an incomplete pricing search query, orphaned records may exist in the F4511W table.