Understanding the Pricing Workbench

You can use the Pricing Workbench program to view a variety of pricing-related information on a single form. You can locate all pricing scenarios and situations to simplify pricing structure maintenance and reduce the number of inquiries for the customer. You can generate search queries that focus on pricing structures from these perspectives:

  • Customer

  • Customer Group

  • Item

  • Item Group

  • Adjustment

After you determine which perspective to view, you can generate a new query, view the details of an existing query, regenerate an existing query, or delete a query. After you generate a query on a set of records, you can simplify adjustment modifications by accessing the prices and adjustments, and you can immediately validate changes to the pricing structure. Programs and options are available depending on the query criteria:

  • Price Adjustment Definition (P4071).

  • Adjustment Detail Revisions (P4072).

  • Price Adjustments Global Revisions (P45550).

  • Category Code Revisions.

  • Open Customer Group.

  • Open Item Group.

You use the Focus On user-defined code (UDC) (45/FO) to specify the record types to display. This value also determines the formatting and content of the columns and rows in the detail area and determines how the pre-resolution process must work.

The system uses the these tables to process pricing workbench information:

  • Price Workbench Query Header table (F4510).

  • Pricing Structure View table (F4511W).