Order Reprice Adjustment for All Items

Similar to Sales (Order Reprice Adjustment for All Items), you can set up an order-level adjustment for all items on a purchase order. The system accumulates all items on the purchase order regardless of whether the items belong to any reprice group, and compares the accumulated totals to the appropriate level breaks defined in the order-level adjustments, of all items. If the totals qualify for an additional discount or surcharge, the system reflects the discount or surcharge as a flat dollar amount in the order adjustment line.

Note: To define the order adjustment for all items, you must:Thus, the adjustment details set up is not for any particular reprice group. This adjustment is for all items and customers; all items and customer group; or all items and all customers (suppliers) depending on the hierarchy set up and selection. For this scenario, the order-level adjustment can be used only with a weight level break or amount level break.