Common Fields Used in This Chapter

You should be familiar with these terms and concepts as they relate to Contract Management:


For service contracts, a method of moving long-term revenue to short-term revenue, and then short-term revenue to recognized revenue. Long-term revenue is contracted for more than a 12-month period. Short-term revenue is contracted within a 12-month period. Recognized revenue is contracted from the beginning of the contract through the end of the amortization period.

Base Warranty

Enter a code that specifies whether the contract line entered is a base warranty contract.

This field is a common, single-character entry field for a yes or no response on certain screens.

A warranty that is associated with the equipment, typically included in the purchase price of the equipment.

Blanket Contract

Enter a code that specifies whether the contract line entered is a blanket contract.

A contract that covers all items at a specified price. The pricing is usually by the contract, not by detail lines.

Contract Coverage

For service contracts, the days of the week and hours of the day. For example, the coverage term 5 X 8 refers to a contract that covers equipment five days a week, Monday through Friday, for eight hours each day.

Coverage Group

Enter a user-defined code that specifies the Coverage Group. The Coverage Group consists of unlimited cost codes and the percentage covered for each cost code.

For supplier contracts, the percent at which the parts and labor (and any other expenses such as travel) are covered. For example, in the supplier contract, the supplier might reimburse the manufacturer for 50 percent of the parts cost used to fix or replace a part and 50 percent of the labor cost used to fix or replace a part.

Covered G/L Code (covered general ledger code)

Enter a value from user-defined code (UDC) table 41/9 (G/L Posting Category) that identifies the GL Offset to use when the system is searching for the account to which it will post the covered portion (by warranty or contract) of the accounting transaction. If you do not want to specify a GL Offset, you can enter four asterisks in this field or you can leave this field blank. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the GL Offset from Inventory.

The Covered G/L Code and Non-Covered G/L Code fields are used by work orders and cases for recording billing or costs for this type of service. This process enables accounting to direct covered or non-covered costs and revenue to different accounts.

Extended Warranty

An optional warranty that can be purchased by the customer to cover the performance of the equipment beyond the terms of the base warranty.

Free Contract

Enter a code that specifies whether the contract line entered is a free contract. For service contracts, a contract that is issued at no cost to the customer.

Line Type

Enter a code that controls how the system processes lines on a transaction. It controls the systems with which the transaction interfaces, such as General Ledger, Job Cost, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Inventory Management. It also specifies the conditions under which a line prints on reports, and it is included in calculations. These codes are included:

S: Stock item

J: Job cost

N: Nonstock item

F: Freight

T: Text information

M: Miscellaneous charges and credits

W: Work order

Non-Covered G/L Code (non-covered general ledger code)

Enter a value from UDC 41/9 (G/L Posting Category) that identifies the GL Offset to use when the system is searching for the account to which it will post the non-covered portion of the accounting transaction. If you do not want to specify a GL Offset, you can enter four asterisks in this field or you can leave this field blank. If you leave the field blank, the system uses the GL Offset from Inventory.

The Covered G/L Code and Non-Covered G/L Code fields are used by work orders and cases for recording billing or costs for this type of service. This process enables accounting to direct covered or non-covered costs and revenue to different accounts.

Preventive Maintenance Contract

For service contracts, a contract used when regularly scheduled maintenance should be completed for the equipment.

Service Type

The various services that you perform. For example, you can set up different codes to differentiate between an on-site repair and a depot repair.

Enter a value from UDC 00/TY (Work Order/ECO Type) that indicates the classification of a work order or engineering change order.

You can use work order type as a selection criterion for work order approvals.