Setting Up Price Adjustment Definitions

Access the Modify Adj. Controls form.

Adjustment Name

Enter a value from UDC 40/TY (Adjustment/Preference Name) that identifies an adjustment definition. You define adjustments on Price Adjustment Names.

For Agreement Penalty Schedules: Add a definition for each of the four types of penalties:

Minimum quantity

Maximum quantity

Under commitment

Over commitment

Service and Warranty Management

Click any of the options in the Target Application region to indicate the JD Edwards JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system that the price adjustment supports, such as Sales Order Management and Procurement.

Do not Print on Document

Click this option if you do not want to print the adjustment on the invoice or the purchase order print document. The system adds the adjustment amount to the unit price.

Print on Document

Click this option to print the adjustment on the invoice or the purchase order print document. The system adds the adjustment amount to the unit price.

Add to Sales Detail File

Click this option to update the Sales Order Detail File table (F4211) with adjustment detail line information. The system will not include this type of adjustment when it calculates the current net price. Use this code for order-level adjustments only.

Accrued to G/L (accrued to general ledger)

Click this option to create an accrual adjustment. The system updates the Price Adjustment Ledger File table (F4074) and posts the adjustment to the general ledger during the Sales Update process.


Click this option to create a rebate adjustment. The system updates the Rebate Transaction Summary table (F4078) with the quantity, weight, and amount of the order detail line.

Print on Invoice - Detached

Click this option to print the adjustment on the invoice. The system adds the adjustment to the order total but does not include it in the unit price. The system will post separate GL and AR entries for this adjustment during Sales Update.

Supplier Proof of Sales

Click this option to create a supplier proof of sale rebate adjustment. The system updates the Rebate Transaction Summary table with the quantity, weight, and amount of the order detail line and posts the adjustment to the general ledger during Sales Update.

Rounding Adjustment

Click this option to create a rounding adjustment based on the rounding rules set up in the Price Adjustment Detail Revisions program (P4072). The system adds the adjustment amount to the unit price.

Line Level Adjustment

Click this option to specify that the system calculate the adjustment based on information in the sales order detail line.

Basket Level Adjustment

(Not applicable to Service Management.)

Order Level Adjustment

(Not applicable to Service Management.)

Volume Level Adjustment

Click this option to specify that the system calculate the adjustment based on the accumulated value of multiple sales orders. The accumulated value is based on how you define the adjustment in the Price Adjustment Type program (P4071).

If you are working with the Agreement Management system, for Agreement Penalty Schedules enter 1 to calculate the penalty at the sales order detail-line level.

Price Matrix

Select to use a price matrix to maintain a price adjustment.