Display Rule

This section describes the fields on the Display Rule tab.

Indicate whether there is a display rule for the data item. Display rules are used to format the data in a field. Choose from the following Display Rule options:

No Display Rule

Select this option if you are not assigning a display rule to the data item.

Business Function

Select this option to assign a display rule which is based on a business function. Use a business function when you need special processing that cannot be done through one of the five pre-defined Display Rules. For example, if you want to format the appearance of an account number, attach the Display Account Number business function.

When you select the Business Function option, a Browse button becomes available. Use the Browse button to access the Business Function Search form, which enables you to locate and select a business function for the display rule.


Select this option to assign a pre-defined display rule to the data item. Choose from the following UDC H98/DR options:

  • *RAB: Right Adjust Blank Fill

    Right-adjusts the value and precedes it with blanks. Data items that define business units use this rule.

  • *RABN: Right Adj Blank Fill/not CCtr

    Right-adjusts the value and precedes it with blanks. Data items that do not define business units use this rule.

  • *RAZ: Right Adjust Zero Fill

    Right-adjusts the value and precedes it with zeroes.

  • CODE: Uses the edit codes specified in UDC 98/EC to format numeric fields.

  • LMASK: Leading Mask

    Embeds leading masks (*'s) within the data when it appears in the web client and UBE reports.

  • MASK: Edit Mask/Word Formatting

    This option is no longer supported.