Edit Rule

This section describes the fields on the Edit Rule tab.

Indicate whether there is an edit rule for the data item. Edit rules validate the values that users enter into fields on a form. Choose from the following Edit Rule options:

No Edit Rule

Select this option if you are not assigning an edit rule to the data item.

Business Function

Select this option to assign an edit rule that is based on a business function procedure. Use a business function when you need special processing that cannot be done through one of the five Display Rules. For example, if you want to format the appearance of an account number, attach the Display Account Number business function.

When you select the Business Function option, a Browse button becomes available. Use the Browse button to access the Business Function Search form, which enables you to locate and select a business function for the edit rule.


Select this option to assign a pre-defined edit rule. You can enter the edit rule into the field that becomes available when you choose this option or use the visual assist to view and select an edit rule from UDC H98/ER. The available edit rules are:

  • EQ: Equal

  • GE: Greater or Equal

  • GT: Greater

  • HNDL: Table Handle

  • LE: Less Than or Equal

  • LT: Less Than

  • NE: Not Equal

  • NRANGE: Not Between

  • RANGE: Between

  • UDC: User Defined Code

  • VALUE: In a List

  • ZLNGTH: Allocated Length (VARLEN flds)

When you specify an edit rule, one or two fields become available, depending on which edit rule you select. These fields enable you to enter the parameters that are passed to the edit rule. For example, if you select EQ (Equal), a field displays which enables you to enter the value that is passed to the edit rule at runtime. If you select RANGE or NRANGE, two fields become available which enable you to enter the lower and upper values for the range.